Quotemountain.com Famous Quotes It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.
-- Sir Edmund Hillary

Thomas B. Macaulay Quotes

Nothing except the mint can make money without advertising.

He was a rake among scholars, and a scholar among rakes.

The object of oratory alone in not truth, but persuasion.

To punish a man because he has committed a crime, or because he is believed, though unjustly, to have committed a crime, is not persecution. To punish a man, because we infer from the nature of some doctrine which he holds, or from the conduct of other persons who hold the same doctrines with him, that he will commit a crime, is persecution, and is, in every case, foolish and wicked.

In Plato's opinion, man was made for philosophy; in Bacon's opinion, philosophy was made for man.

The real security of Christianity is to be found in its benevolent morality, in its exquisite adaptation to the human heart, in the facility with which its scheme accommodates itself to the capacity of every human intellect, in the consolation which it bears to the house of mourning, in the light with which it brightens the great mystery of the grave.

And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods?

The reluctant obedience of distant provinces generally costs more than it [The Territory] is worth. Empires which branch out widely are often more flourishing for a little timely pruning.

She thoroughly understands what no other Church has ever understood, how to deal with enthusiasts.

We know no spectacle so ridiculous as the British public in one of its periodical fits of morality.