Quotemountain.com Famous Quotes It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.
-- Sir Edmund Hillary

Latin Quotes

Better late than never.

Latin Quotes

Nothing dries sooner than tears. Latin Proverb

Latin Quotes

Fashion is more powerful than any tyrant.

Latin Quotes

Glory is the shadow of virtue.

Latin Quotes

If the wind will not serve, take to the oars.

Latin Quotes

Laugh at life; don't cry over it.

Latin Quotes

Fear, not kindness, restrains the wicked.

Latin Quotes

Don't whistle and drink at the same time.

Latin Quotes

When healty, we all have wonderful advice for the sick.

Latin Quotes

What you didn't hope for happens more often than what you hoped for.

Latin Quotes

It's too late to ask advice when danger comes.

Latin Quotes

Nobody underestimates his own troubles.

Latin Quotes

When you have just climbed out of a deep well and are perched on top, you are in the greatest danger of falling in again.

Latin Quotes

A man needs a good mirror to scrutinize his heart as well as his face.

Latin Quotes

It is stupid to complain about misfortune that is your own fault.

Latin Quotes

It is better to profit by a horrible example than to be one.

Latin Quotes

Life is short, but troubles make it longer.

Latin Quotes

The man you want to keep bound to you should be chained by food and drink.

Latin Quotes

Everybody lives; not everybody deserves to.

Latin Quotes

If fortune wants to do you in, she makes you stupid.

Latin Quotes

The man who inspects the saddle blanket instead of the horse is stupid; most stupid is the man who judges another man by his clothes or his circumstances.

Latin Quotes

Fortune is glass; just when it gleams brightest it shatters.

Latin Quotes

There is no point in seeking a remedy for a thunderbolt.

Latin Quotes

Nothing moves faster than gossip.

Latin Quotes

A fellow who gets more than he deserves wants more than he gets.

Latin Quotes

The great thing is to know when to speak and when to keep quiet.

Latin Quotes

A fire can't throw a great light without burning something.

Latin Quotes

No man loses honor who had any in the first place.

Latin Quotes

Speech is given to many; intelligence to few.

Latin Quotes

The silence of a stupid man looks like wisdom.

Latin Quotes